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Services - Management of the Web Site
Supplying small business an opportunity to start . . .
and expand their universal presence  

Web Management

Having to manage internal and external links for your site is time consuming when you are concentrating on running your business. This where we can help. You leave all the maintenance to the site to us. We manage new information, images and monthly maintenance that is required.

Remember the web site is a tool for your business to compliment your product. As your business evolves so should your site. Don’t create the site and leave it alone. People will be bored with no new viable information when they return. Then there might not be another time to reclaim the viewer to your site.

Find out now just how valuable Emerging Creations can manage your site!


Keep your links recognizable

Avoid placing links over a pattern background image, using bright colors, or the same color as the text. They should be different but not stand out.

Check often that your external links actually send you to the page you intended to go to. Web sites often change their site around including page names.

How to find that link that doesn’t work anymore
  One idea is to step backwards. Deleting the last part of the string in the location bar and trying that. An example is "http://www.mysite.com/links/newstuff.html". So you delete newstuff.html and try that. If that doesn't work, try deleting the "links/". Or you can go directly to the home page of the site by deleting all but "http://www.mysite.com/". From here you'll have to search for the new page.
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